Over the course of its existence, Docker has evolved from a small internal project into a powerful tool for working with containers. In this article, we will tell you how this platform works, who needs it, and why.
How Docker Works
The key task of Docker is to provide the user with convenient work with containers: their wordpress web design agency creation, automation and management of the entire life cycle. The platform consists of seven components, each of which plays a specific role.
Docker: What the platform consists of and how it works
Docker host
The device on which the platform and running containers operate. The host can be a regular PC or laptop, a physical server or a VM.

A program running in the background that is constantly waiting for a command. It is to this component that all container management requests are directed. The daemon "listens" for incoming commands and performs the requested operations.
Docker client
A component that provides interaction between the docker user and the daemon. You can use a regular GUI, console, or API.
Docker image
An image used to deploy a container. It is essentially a fixed set of files that can be used to run a container on a new host. In simple terms, a docker image is like a CD with a program: to install it, you just insert the disk into your computer.
Docker container
An application running on a specific host. Using the comparison from the previous point, this is a program installed and enabled on the computer.
Docker registry
All Docker images are stored in special repositories. They can be either public or local — access to which is available to a specific developer company or project team.
A Dockerfile is an instruction manual for building an image.
Why Developers Are Switching to Containers and Docker
Today, Docker is not just a tool for developing, delivering, and deploying containerized applications, but a true industry standard.
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Benefits of Docker
Simplifying environment setup and resolving dependency issues
The Docker image already contains everything needed to run the application. Any image consists of several "layers" that together create the necessary environment. For example, you are creating a digital product and using Python to develop it. To run it on the server, a certain environment is required - the Python runtime environment. With Docker, we do not have to install it every time, it is enough to place the Python image in the Docker image.
We will do the same with other dependencies. As a result, we will get a docker image, which already contains all the necessary "layers". This approach allows developers not to waste resources on non-core tasks in the form of preparing the environment and concentrate on the process of creating the application.